My articles

Here's a list of all the articles I've written across various platforms and blogs. Have a read!

Articles on

Articles on and other platforms

A picture of me

Interview mit Pascal Thormeier, Alumni Studiengang Informatik Profilierung iCompetence (2023-12-08)

This interview with the head of the Computer Science and iCompetence program at the FHNW School of Engineering was published on the official blog "Computer Science Studies" of the FHNW. It is in German.

Nuxt3 + FastAPI = Rocket

How Nuxt3, Tailwind and FastAPI helped us kick-start a business in no time (2022-08-15)

Four weeks from the start to go live. Included? A payment provider, an external service, a fantastic design, great Lighthouse scores and a delighted client. How did we manage that?

10 tips for Vue beginners

10 tips for Vue beginners - stuff to get you started fast (2022-02-09)

Vue is amazing. Seriously, Evan You and the community have done an amazing job with it and I've spent a good part of my career working with Vue now. It kind of has become my go-to framework over the years and I would absolutely recommend it to everyone.

A glichty image of people working together

Code reviews: Dos, Don'ts and a How-to (2021-04-21)

Our circle recently revisited our definition of done. One point: code reviews. They did happen, but often couldn't unfold their full potential. Question: How could we improve them?

A whiteboard with calculations

NEXPLORER or a steep learning curve (2020-08-03)

Two weeks for a questionnaire. Built from scratch. No existing API to use. Just an Excel sheet full of questions and answers. And we learned so much. Here's what!

A laptop on a desk with tape

How to point at a screen with your phone (2020-07-01)

Most people know laser pointers. Apple Remote offers something like a laser pointer for Keynote. But how about using your smartphone as a pointer device in a web app?

Cargo containers

Deploy your Nuxt.js app to (2018-08-06)

Nuxt.js allows to create Vue apps fast. Deploying it to Heroku, Now, GitHub, and more is already covered - but what about

A lot of cargo containers

From coasters to Vuex (2018-10-09)

Imagine: You're an expert for real estate economics. You sit in a café, browsing lots for sale and you find the perfect piece of land for your next project. What do you do next?

An ibex

Shapefiles - Of avalanches and ibexes (2017-12-06)

An excellent way to store spatial and geographical data, such as real estates, municipal boundaries, rivers, lakes, streets, you name it, together with metadata, such as names, IDs, year of establishment, etc. are shapefiles.

Built with Nuxt and Tailwind, all icons are self-made. © 2023